Thursday, December 9, 2010

Question #5

5) Discuss the following Flash game in terms of ideology and hegemony. Define each term, and then explain them through the game (100-150 words).

This game teaches the players what you're suppose to do in the terms of men using urinals or simply, bathroom "etiquette." Ideology can be defined simply as "common sense." In this game we can see the use of ideology and how it affect societies everyday actions, even something as natural as using the bathroom. Through this game we know and see that it is common sense for someone to pick a urinal that is the farthest away from both the door and another person. Although this is not a taught lesson, most people develop this "common sense" through hegemony. Hegemony is created by the dominant class who control ideological space and limits and even what is considered "thinkable" and "normal" in society. We can see how hegemony is portrayed in this game through the notion that it is common sense and known knowledge to use the urinal farthest away from the door and another person. It was interesting for me, as I took this game, I only got one question wrong. This is interesting because for obvious reasons, women do not use urinals but through the hegemonic ideology that this is "common sense." Even a girl who doesn't use urinals has the common sense created from the dominant. There is clearly no rules in regards to urinal etiquette but there is an underlying rule and guideline for going to the bathroom.

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