Thursday, December 9, 2010

Question #3

Both of these videos clearly portray race through using different techniques. While the Ghetto Delta Airlines video portrays race in very obvious and clear ways, the Everest College video doesn't necessarily use humor, but as a critical viewer you can interpret that this video in fact is racist.
The Ghetto Delta Airlines video is a funny video which plays on race. These "plays" on race are seen through the speaker (a white male) tone and "slang" of African Americans. One example of this is when the speaker says, "We'll flying all over this bitch." This is merely one example of how the speaker uses his tone to play on racial stereotypes. The slang which is used throughout the whole video is appropriated from African American culture. This video, uses humor to almost, make fun of the general racial stereotypes society has.
The Everest College advertisement has an underlying, and not so obvious portrayal of race. This video is racist in the ways such as using the most stereotypical black man for the advertisement. By doing this, Everest can try to relate to the general public. This video portrays a saying, "If one black man can go to college, so can you." It is also racist in the fact that they are reaching out to the African American community because it is stereotyped that black men don't always go to college and that they "sit on the couch all day." All of these aspects create an advertisement which is in fact racist. The portrayal of race is the main aspect of how these two videos relate.

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