Thursday, December 9, 2010

Extra Credit #2

1) Discuss how the three waves of feminism are each trying to build on, and address shortcomings in, the earlier waves’ treatment of gender politics. In the first wave, in other words, what are they trying to fix about society? In the second, what are they trying to add to and fix in the first wave? In the third, what are they trying to add to and fix in the first and second waves? Discuss this through an image or video you find online. (150-200 words)

The three waves of feminism have built on each other over time. In the first wave of feminism they are trying to create an equal society between men and women. This wave focused on equal rights. Women fought for their voices to be heard and wanted the same about of rights as men. This wave would be seen as quantitative because women wanted more rights and wanted them enacted as laws. Women felt that they would bring purity to the world of politics. Overall, the first wave of feminism is trying to fix society by creating an equal playing ground for men and women.

In the second wave of feminism they believe in equal recognition and has a more qualitative approach to feminism in comparison to the first waves quantitative approach. As the first wave is trying to enact actual laws creating equal rights, the second wave focuses on the overall quality of life. In this wave they are trying to add a quality life on top of a life of total equality.

The third wave of feminism can be titled as agency. This wave is characterized by a desire of women to find a voice of their own and to stand up for themselves. I this phase post constructs have been weakened such as the notion of the “universal woman.” This waves believes that they can still wear lipstick and heals while being treated equally as men. This waves builds on the second in the fact that they believe in an equal quality of life, while still being able to have girly characteristic. This wave doesn’t look their femininity.

An example of what could possibly be a third wave feminist is Queen Rania of Jordan. Here is a lady who have run her country while still having kids and wearing lipstick and heals. She may still believe in equal quality and quantity of rights but can still maintain being a mom and working women who is trying to improve the quality of life in her country Jordan

These three waves of feminism builds on each others shortcomings eventually creating an idea where a women can can equal rights and power as men and still maintain classic female characteristics, like Queen Rania.

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